At Yeronga State School focuses on prevention, early intervention and pro-active action across the Prep-6 Years.
Yeronga State School uses a wide variety of data to monitor whole-school levels of performance and deliver an instructional match between student skills, curriculum and instruction. Using this rich data, as well as data gained from the on-going referral process, student difficulties are identified, corresponding interventions are implemented in groups or individually and their effects evaluated. Students are therefore provided with instruction that is evidence-based and this data is used to determine how students are responding.
The role of Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy (STLN) is crucial to the implementation of the whole-school strategy. Support teachers work with administration, class teachers, other specialist staff (e.g. guidance officers, speech pathologists) and teacher aides. Support teachers use the evidence-based data to inform the school literacy and numeracy planning at cohort and individual student levels.
They collaborate with class teachers to develop and implement intervention strategies for students identified as needing targeted and intensive support. Their work includes supporting teachers in assessing and monitoring student achievement in literacy and numeracy and working with students.